A bunch of different types of media icons

What Is Digital PR?


Public relations (PR) has long been a cornerstone of building brand awareness and reputation. But in the digital media era, traditional methods of press releases and media events call for an updated approach to media relations and public relations: Digital PR.

Here's a simple definition: Digital PR is the process of creating and sustaining an influential presence on the web.

Digital PR utilizes the vast inter-connected potential of the web to amplify your brand message. It's about strategically creating and distributing content that gets noticed by online audiences, influencers, and journalists. This inter-connected component of digital PR is a cornerstone of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach to marketing.

Elevate Your brand, product, or service with digital pr

In today's digital landscape, effective Public Relations extends far beyond traditional media. Digital PR harnesses the power of online platforms to build a robust and influential brand presence. Through a combination of strategic content marketing, active social media engagement, influencer collaborations, and meticulous online reputation management, your brand can achieve greater visibility, credibility, and customer loyalty. Here's how:

  • Media Relations: The core activity of a digital PR effort - identifying and pitching editors, journalists, influencers and others who can help promote your brand or service through non-paid, third-party coverage.
  • Content Marketing: Crafting informative and engaging blog posts, infographics, or videos that position your brand as a thought leader.
  • Social Media Engagement: Building an active online community through strategic social media campaigns and audience interaction.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with relevant online personalities to reach a wider target audience.
  • Online Reputation Management: Monitoring and responding to online brand mentions to maintain a positive image.
  • Measurement: Tracking and reporting the ROI on digital PR efforts. This can be done through seeing improving trends in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) rankings, increased traffic to your website, and other ways.
A circular illustration of various digital pr services.

how is digital pr is different from traditional pr?

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Digital PR differs from traditional PR in a number of significant ways. Here are just a few of the ways that digital PR differs from traditional PR:

  • Reach: Traditional PR focuses on reaching established media outlets such as magazines, newspapers and television, while digital PR taps into the limitless potential of the internet, including online websites for print outlets and video outlets that cover products, news, and trends (this includes YouTube influencers).
  • Measurability: The impact of traditional PR campaigns can be harder to quantify because it's hard to measure how and where print or traditional media has impact. Digital PR offers measurable results through website traffic and search rankings, social media engagement metrics, and brand mentions.
  • Two-way communication: Digital PR fosters a two-way dialogue with your audience. Traditional PR often focuses on one-way communication through tactics like press releases.

why should i hire a digital pr consultant or agency?

Now, let's address the big question: Why should your brand consider hiring a digital PR expert? Here are a few reasons:

  • Enhanced brand awareness: A well-executed digital PR strategy puts your brand in front of the right people at the right time, significantly increasing brand recognition.
  • Improved brand reputation: Digital PR allows you to proactively manage your online image and cultivate trust with your target audience.
  • Boosts in website traffic and lead generation: Effective online content attracts qualified leads and drives traffic to your website, ultimately converting into sales.
  • SEO benefits: Strategic digital PR efforts naturally enhance your search engine optimization (SEO), leading to higher organic search rankings.
  • Crisis communication: Digital PR professionals can strategize and implement effective responses to negative online situations, minimizing reputational damage.
A blue background with three circles and icons
A bunch of different types of media icons

In today's digital landscape, consumers make informed decisions based on what they discover online, both in search and social media. A robust digital PR strategy, built around solid SEO and content marketing principles, ensures your brand has a positive and powerful presence in the online space.

By partnering with Bill Threlkeld and Threlkeld Communications, you'll be well on your way to building brand recognition, trust, and driving success in the ever-evolving digital world.