Threlkeld Communications Blog

Look To Your S.W.O.T. Team To Help Avoid A Brand Crisis

Most of us know what a S.W.A.T. team is. When we hear the world “S.W.A.T.,†we think “Elite,” or “Best in Class.†When there’s a crisis, a S.W.A.T. – Special…

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Use Media Monitoring to Know Your Market Position

Media Monitoring is a great way to help clarify your brand’s position in the market.

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Seven Steps to SEO Success

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential part of an effective web strategy, and an even more important part of a Content Distribution Ecosystem approach to integrated content marketing. This post looks at seven simple SEO steps you can take to make sure your website is performing.

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Digital Public Relations: What It Is, and Isn’t

An overview of what the practice of Digital Public Relations is, and isn’t, in the context of traditional public relations.

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Studio Profile: Alex Moore of Lunchroom Studios

We recently had the chance to sit down with Austin, Texas-based studio owner Alex Moore. Alex owns and manages Lunchroom Studios, a facility that records a wide gamut of music…

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Exploring the Targeting Benefits of the Facebook Pixel and Standard/Custom Events

Many companies use Facebook to market and promote products and services, but very few even scratch the surface in terms of taking advantage of Facebook’s marketing tools and resources, and…

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Blogs, The Keyword Planner and Keyword Relevance

When writing content for the web, and I’ll specifically focus on blog content in this post, there are two basic principles to keep in mind when planning and writing posts…

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To Get Your Brand In Shape, Focus on Your Core (Value Proposition)

A term often heard in marketing circles is “Core Value Proposition.†It’s not a very intuitive phrase, and its meaning and importance often get lost in its academic label. Let’s…

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The King is Dead! Long Live Content Marketing!

For many years, conventional wisdom, and the mainstream media has told us that “Content is King.†In other word, producing great content is what a strong brand should do. But…

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Is Your Marketing Creating Sales for Your Competitors?

In a perfect world, awareness marketing drives customers to take a desired action. This action could be a top of the sales funnel activity, such as clicking on a link…

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